Foundation Contestgroup 1884

CG1884 got the EFFORTS (European Federation Of Fortified Sites) Award  
On Thursday April 1, 2021, CG1884 received an international acclaim from EFFORTS (European Federation Of Fortified Sites). This award relates to the activities held in 2020. The promotion of "Fort Buitensluis" and other fortresses was the objective. Examples are Kids Day, Open Monuments Day and European Fortress Day. During these days we opened our accommodation for visitors and thereby we promote our Radio Hobby and the Fortress. This opening and public promotion has made us eligible for this EFFORTS Award 2020 international appreciation Effort Award 2020.

The beginning: Since 2009 a group of radio amateurs has been active at "Fort Buitensluis" in Numansdorp under the call sign PI4CG. It started in 2008 with a successful SSB field day and that raised the question of whether "Fort Buitensluis" could mean something to us. Considering the location a really beautiful and ideal place to build an ‘aerial farm’. After a period of construction and some aesthetic adjustments we have created the accommodation in recent years without detracting from the originality from the 1884 gunpowder storage. All this of course in between the many national and international contests in which we certainly included the radio hobby and 'Fort Buitensluis' and set both positively on the map.

Activities during the available open days the gunpowder magazine can be viewed in "full operation" including a tour by one of the passionate team members. The appreciation of the visitors is very high, as a result of which our magical hobby has already gained more fame and appreciation in the region. We have been holding our "Fortress Day" during Open Monument Day for several years now. There has been several calls for this on the VERON site and in the Electron. Now in 2021, we will of course also be burdened by the restrictions. We will try to activate the radios, depending on these restrictions and if the public is allowed to visit us on then next “Fortress Day” in September.
“Fortress Day”
If you are interested in participating in "Fortress Day” a registration is not mandatory, but it is useful. This way, other forts and / or positions can easily see which fort or position is actively participating. In recent years, various nice initiatives have arisen, such as a radio treasure hunt where the visitor already announced his next visit. In this way we can make the magic of our radio hobby known to a wide audience. You can register by sending an email via our guest book.

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