Hello DR (X)YL,
OM or SWL,
me introduce myself : My name is Evert. And I started with the radio
hobby a long time ago, I was listening station (SWL) from about 1977.
In my military service period from 1979/1980 I started studying for
my Novice licence. And I got at the end of 1980 my Novice license with
the call sign PD0JAT. Which I have upgraded to the C license (nowadays
F license) in 1987 with the call sign PE1LZF.
Finally I learned CW (which is not really my favourite mode) and got
my A license in 1991, I like all digital modes and SSB (or FM on 10
meter HI).
Regarding Scouting and my radio hobby I was running the Jota from 1980
through 2024 so 43 years now (2020 no participation). From this
43 years I assited the Taize group in Schiedam for 35 years now see http://www.taizegroep.nl
And I'm also a Radio Scout Radio Interesse Stam RIS member #129 since
Regarding the digital modes I'm member #6522 from the the British Amateur
Radio Teledata Group BARTG and member #2182 from the European PSK Club
EPC. And also member #0530 from the Digital Mode Club DMC, member #052
from the Olivia modes club OMC and member #5808 from the 30 Meter Digital
Group. Also radio hobby related I'm collecting old radio's and radio
tubes. And I'm the owner of a working mechanical Telex and a Hell machine.
Regarding the VERON our Dutch Amateur radio club I was a chairman from
the Vereniging Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek Nederland (VERON) department
Rotterdam south from 1992 through 1997. And later vice chairman and
Web master VERON department Hoekse Waard from 2000 through 2006. And
from 2007 through 2016 chairman, and Web master VERON department Hoekse
Waard until 2018.
Hope to see you soon at my screen or to hear you at the bands.
Interests: Bands: 160 meters, 80 meters, 40 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters,
17 meters, 15 meters, 12 meters, 10 meters, 6 meters, 4 meters, 2 meters,
430/440 MHz / 70cm, HF, VHF, UHF
Activities: Bicycle operations, County hunting, Kit building, Programming
(computers), Shortwave listening
Operating: DX on ATV, FM, (FIELD) HELL, SSB, Digital modes: AMTOR, Clover,
JT65A, MFSK, FT4, FT8, OLIVIA, Packet, PACTOR, PSK31, PSK63, PSK125,
Interested in: Internet, IOTA, Microwave, QSLing, LotW
Equipment: Antique/collector radios, Computers, Construction of equipment,
Filters, Integrated circuits, Scanners, Station accessories, Test equipment,
TNC's, Transistors
Antennas / Propagation: Antenna tuners, Baluns, Beam antennas, Coaxial
cable, Dipole antennas, Propagation, Vertical antennas, Wire antennas
Organizations I'm interested in: BARTG, DMC, EPC, OMC, VERON, DARES,
Scouting, and I'm a member of Contestgroup CG 1884 see our Website:
Awards / Certificates I'm interested in: DXCC, WAS and WAZ